How to use Google Podcast notifications

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I’ve been a fan of the Google Podcast app for a while and even use its Google Podcast notifications, so I’m alerted when there’s a new episode to listen to. But it’s also not perfect and sometimes sends me messages of podcasts that I have unsubscribed from. I’ll discuss how to fix unwanted Google Podcast notifications and get the ones you want in this article.

Where are Google Podcasts available?

Google Podcasts are available on:

  • Desktop and mobile browsers
  • App (including on Android AND Apple devices)

How to subscribe to podcasts on Google Podcasts?

Find the show you want to subscribe to and click the “subscribe” button.

At times, you’ll get a popup notification/option that allows you to turn on Google Podcast notifications right then.

If that option does not show up, click on the three tiny dots in the top right corner to go into settings.

Google Podcast notifications

Once in settings, you can toggle on or off each show for which you want to receive notifications.

Depending on your device settings, notifications will then start showing. On my iPhone, I have it set to display on the locked screen, so it looks like this:

Podcast notifications on locked screen on iPhone

How to turn off podcast notifications

Go back into settings and toggle the switch off to turn them off. That’s how it usually works, but I’ve also been getting notifications of shows that I had wholly unsubscribed from. That’s a problem, probably a hiccup with the app and annoying.

Pausing expired Google Podcast notificationsSo in that scenario, I unsubscribed from a show but still got the notification. Going into the show doesn’t help because you can’t unsubscribe. You haven’t subscribed after all.

Going back into the settings was my next attempt, but the show doesn’t show up there as well.

So I went to my device settings – in my case, an iPhone. Go into settings >>notifications >> turn off notifications for the Google Podcasts app.

That’s not perfect either, because you now can’t get notifications for any of the shows you’ve subscribed to. But it was better for me as I was getting way too many notifications of shows I had listened to at one point but had unsubscribed from.

So that’s how you use Google Podcast notifications, which are great when they work correctly.

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