Is an AI avatar of myself a good idea?

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Certainly, some people would argue that just myself is enough. Ha. But, there might be some real good reasons – including business ones – to create an AI avatar or clone. And what’s the difference between an AI avatar and a clone?

Helen Todd, an expert on how to collaborate with AI, joins me on Episode 680 of “The Business Storytelling Show” to discuss the topic.

Join us.

Listen to Helen’s own podcast on AI here:

Difference between AI avatar and AI clone

From what I can see, they are related concepts, but they’re not always exactly the same. But, these terms can also sometimes be used interchangeably, and their exact meanings might vary depending on the context or the company using them. The field of AI is rapidly evolving, so these definitions might also evolve over time. But for now…

Read now: Clone your own voice with this AI voice cloning software

AI avatar

An AI avatar is typically a digital representation or character that can interact with users. It’s often used in user interfaces, virtual environments, or customer service applications.

Depending on the situation, an AI avatar may or may not be designed to mimic a specific person. It could be a generic character or a customized representation.

The primary purpose is usually to provide a visual or interactive interface for AI-driven communication. For example, AI avatars are popping up in the adult industry:

Sophie Dee, an adult content creator, has created an AI avatar named SophieAI. This AI doppelganger is designed to mirror her appearance and speech, allowing her to engage with fans continuously.

Create your AI avatar here with Hey Gen

Aspect AI Avatar AI Clone
Specificity Can be generic Typically modeled after a specific person
Purpose Often used for interface purposes Aims to replicate an individual’s essence
Customization May be customizable but doesn’t necessarily mimic real people Designed to closely mimic specific individuals

AI clone

An AI clone is generally intended to mimic or replicate a specific individual’s personality, knowledge, or behavior patterns. It’s often created using data from the person it’s meant to represent, such as their writing, speech patterns, or personal information. The goal of an AI clone is usually to interact in a way that closely resembles the original person.

This concept is more focused on replicating the essence of an individual rather than just providing an interface.

Create your AI clone here with Hey Gen

Helen said the difference is subtle to nonexistent

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