Why radical product thinking is needed in companies

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Radhika Dutt, author of “Radical Product Thinking: The New Mindset for Innovating Smarter” joined me on this episode to discuss the topic.

Order her book here.

We discussed some of the things that are common but can also confuse our audience when companies don’t use radical product thinking. She calls them product diseases.
For example:


This is when companies constantly pivot and try new things to see what might stick. While pivoting certainly has worked for some companies, it can also confuse the audience.

Obsessive sales disorder

This is when companies trade short-term sales for long-term vision. Yes, somebody might be interested in paying money for this one thing right now, but what if that thing has nothing to do with the long-term goals?

Locked-in syndrome

Sometimes it can be harder to innovate in older companies. Companies find something that is working, that is driving revenue and now that’s impossible to change.

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“You are kind of burdened by your past success,” she said.

Getting started with radical product thinking

“To get around them, we have to have a clear vision and then translate them into reality really quickly,” she said. “And we know we need a vision, but we haven’t had a guide. We need a vision and strategy before we start with execution.”

To truly innovate, companies need to create a good culture, she said. Are people able to collaborate without fear of being put down? Can people talk to each other? It’s all an important part of innovating together.


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