Seasonal Marketing Examples: A Strategy to Boost Your Business

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The holiday season is just around the corner – always, it seems – and one strategy you can use to boost your business is seasonal marketing.

What does seasonal marketing mean?

This refers to advertising efforts targeting certain seasons, special events, or holidays.

For example, since most transactions will center on red roses during Valentine’s Day, you can advertise those flowers during that time. This is seasonal marketing.

How to apply seasonal marketing

1. Start early

Avoid last-minute rushes, as these special occasions are known quantities with fixed dates. Early planning gives you time to conduct research, infuse creativity, polish your marketing campaign, and release it before the season starts.

2. Understand your target audience

Map out your clients and create a customer profile to ensure your seasonal campaign is laser-focused on your target audience. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Customer pain points
  • Age and interests
  • Expectations for products and services

3. Get the messaging right

Create a marketing strategy that stands out from the competition. The steps you have to nail include the following:

  • The story you’re trying to push through and the customer journey
  • Emotions you want to tap into
  • What do you expect them to do afterward or call to action

4. Establish a schedule

Timing is of the essence in seasonal marketing. That means you have to set your entire content well in advance, and have a schedule in place for when and how you will execute the marketing material throughout the campaign.

If you’re having difficulty launching your marketing campaign or keeping up with orders during the high seasons, you should consider taking a loan. Use a business loan calculator to track and maintain order over the payments and interest rates.

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Benefits of adopting seasonal marketing

If you keep close tabs on your website, you will notice that your business has consistent rises and dips in sales during certain events, holidays, or seasons. Mapping out the peaks and targeting your marketing during this time will see you maximize seasonal campaigns.

Here are some of the main benefits of applying:

  • Converts potentials into paying customers: customers are already looking to buy, so chances of closing the deal are pretty high. What’s more, promotions that happen during these seasons are likely to nudge leads into customers.
  • Boosts sales: seasonal marketing and accompanying offers and deals will likely drive revenues through the roof.
  • It happens at set times: to plan for the way ahead of time for maximum effect.

Tips to take into account when developing a seasonal marketing strategy

a) Timely and relevant content

This kind of marketing is all about closing deals, so you must come across as trustworthy. Create relevant marketing on time, clearly addressing how you will solve your customers’ needs.

b) Offer discounts or sales

People love sales, offers, and freebies, so the best way to give your marketing efforts a shot in the arm is to include these in your strategy.

c) Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Rank your past campaigns to gauge what worked for you. Once you discover the winning formula, repurpose the content for the present strategy.

Even if you’re a start-up, you could always study direct rivals to find out what worked for them and try to tweak and replicate that for your business.

Final word

If you plan your seasonal marketing ahead of time and release it promptly, there’s a good chance you’ll improve sales. Seek inspiration from your most successful past campaigns and offer deals for a profitable marketing strategy.

Sometimes you might have to think of seasonal marketing as an investment. Even if you do not have the money, a loan should help you find the marketing campaign and fulfill orders. A business loan calculator would aid in keeping payments and interest under control.

If you can’t keep up with demand, take out a loan. Follow the link in the introduction section for more information on how a business loan calculator can help track interest rates and loan repayments.

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