The best sound panels for your podcast studio

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Do you need sound panels to start your podcast or livestream? That answer is a definite no. You can just start. But once you get going and want to stand out from the crowd sound panels can make you sound even better.

Another term for sound panels is acoustic panels.

Types of sound panels

I currently have three types of sound panels installed in my office and studio and had tested a fourth before.

Acoustic absorption panels

These squares fit nicely and also add some pattern to my wall.

Sound panels - square

I bought these a while ago because I like the look and you can easily fit them pretty much anywhere including on the ceiling. I have them placed closest to the microphone.

Hexagon acoustic panels

Just like the name would suggest these are hexagon shaped. I have them installed on two walls. You can create a pattern with these.

They are easy to install and add a certain look to the room with the different shape. I like how they look especially on the picture wall but that’s also something you want to consider on whether or not you prefer the square look or the hexagon look.

Self-adhesive acoustic panels

These Vancore acoustic panels have self-adhesive backs and that’s useful and makes the installation quite easy.

acoustic panels with self-adhesive backs

I currently use these on my ceiling – directly above my desk and studio.

Watch my Amazon video to see how I install these.

sound panels on the ceiling

These also come in different sizes. For example, these hexagon sound panels are also self-adhesive.

self-adhesive hexagon sound panels

I also use them on-screen behind me in a new setup. They are functional but also look nice behind me.

Office sound panels
Acoustic foam panels

These acoustic foam panels come in the square form and are “fluffier” than the other sound panels I mentioned. I found it hard to get them in the right form despite following the instructions. They also didn’t dry well.

Sound panels for office or  studio
How to install sound panels

Some – like the Vancore ones – have self-adhesive backs.

Other panels can be installed with double-sided tape. But this can be a challenge. I definitely had a false start as I used tape that didn’t work well at first and ruined my walls.

I found this double-sided tape to work the best for me.

I use one strip on the top and one of the bottom on the panels and then simply peel off the backside and stick it to the wall. Think about where you want to put the sound panels and how would all fit in that space. It’s a good idea to measure or hold the panels up first to see what would work and what wouldn’t.

Overall, I’m glad I added the panels to my setup and I do think they make my audio sound much better. But again keep in mind that you don’t have to start here and I produced plenty of episodes without sound panels. But adding panels is another potential differentiator in a competitive market that keeps growing.

Just think about how many companies and creators are now doing their own podcasts. Sound quality will make a difference as we move forward.

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