What is Facebook professional mode?

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Facebook professional mode for profiles – like our personal ones – is now a thing. I got the notification in September 2022 that this was now available and I could turn it on.

I received my Facebook professional mode notification directly on my profile page on my desktop.

Facebook professional mode notification

Professional mode promises to show you content metrics, which weren’t available for personal profiles to this point. In addition, you can earn money on your content based on eligibility.

I clicked on “get started” and was sent to another screen to accept the terms and was shown more details.

Facebook professional mode

Professional mode also allows people to follow you, and you don’t have to be friends with them. So make sure your public content is meant to be seen by the public. This new mode or the old one – that’s good practice anyway! Set the privacy for your posts to friends only if it’s only meant to be for your friends.

Read next: How to set up a professional Twitter account

When I clicked “turn on, ” it said there was an error, and I should try again later. So I haven’t been able to finalize that process as of the original publishing of this article.

Is Facebook professional mode for me?

It all depends on how you use Facebook. For example, if you genuinely only share family updates that just a relatively small group of people would care about, it might not be for you.

Monetization can sound good, but realistically it’s probably not much for most creators. But I’m also a fan of monetizing everything content-related; even a tiny payout can be nice and adds up.

For example, my daughter and I post daily Instagram Reels and get paid based on performance. So a payout of $100 or more certainly can be meaningful for my daughter.

So if you create content for the wider internet audience, turning this on makes sense. If you use Facebook only for personal things, maybe not so much.

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