Are people visiting Twitter profiles?

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I’ll fill the Twitter profile out later. Who visits Twitter profiles anyway? Nobody, right?

That’s what I thought. People catch Twitter updates in their stream and follow people as they run across them. Of course, running across them often means to also check out their profile to see what they are about. Afterall, who wants to follow irrelevant accounts? Not me.

In June 2016, for example, over 27,000 visits were recorded to my profile page. Even if some of these are return visitors, that’s a lot of people and I should make sure my Twitter profile provides something of interest. Also, I would think people stop by to decide whether or not they want to follow me on Twitter.By 2021, that number has decreased quite a bit but it’s still over 9,000 visits in a 28-day-period.

How to optimize Twitter profiles

Add a relevant cover photo and change that out as you take relevant new ones. My picture is of me and I try to keep it current. My bio also includes what I do, who I am and where to find out even more about me.

Read next: How I added my newsletter to my Twitter profile

Here’s my 2016 profile.

Here’s my 2021 profile:

I also have a pinned tweet on my profile. Given that I tweet a lot I want to make sure that people see something handpicked when they visit the first time.

Read next: Why to pin a tweet

My pinned tweet currently highlights my inclusion on a top content marketing list.

Make sure your Twitter profile shows who you are so people can make an educated decision to follow you or to move on.

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