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Christoph TrappeStruggling with inefficient processes that hamper results? As an experienced marketing workflow consultant, I can help you optimize your systems to boost productivity.

Frustrated by:

  • Too many manual steps that increase costs and delays?
  • Poor alignment between strategy, creative, and technology teams?
  • Work getting stuck in silos instead of seamlessly moving ahead?

I’ve spent years refining marketing workflows for organizations of all sizes. My strategic approach looks holistically across three key areas:

  1. Strategy: Getting crystal clear on target customers, value proposition, and business objectives. This alignment informs workflow design.
  2. Creative/Implementation: Mapping current creative processes end-to-end to eliminate redundancies and delays. I “productize” systems for efficiency while preserving agility.
  3. Marketing Technology: Leveraging automation, triggers, and integrations to facilitate speed and scale. Workflows should take the heavy lifting off humans.

Intrigued What I Can Do For Your Marketing Workflows?

Book a consultation to discuss your current marketing systems, pains and needs. I’ll provide an initial assessment and recommend high-impact areas for optimization. You’ll walk away with tangible ideas to overhaul workflow frictions to enable your team to do their best work.

Let’s talk!

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