Trappe Digital LLC may earn commission from product clicks and purchases. Rest assured, opinions are mine or of the article’s author.

I will help you repurpose your podcast episodes through a podcast article and/or podcast show notes. Here’s an example of how I would recommend these articles to look. They are optimized for search engines, while keeping the tone and content from the episode in mind.

Podcast show notes and episode article

Here’s what you get:

  • An up-to 1,000-word article for an episode that’s 30 minutes long.
  • Optimized for a specific keyword or keyword phrase based on keyword research
  • 3 to 5 social media posts to promote the  article
  • 1 to 3 audiograms for your social media promotions (Style)
  • 1 round of edits if necessary
  • prompt delivery within five days of receipt of the episode file (video or audio)

Total cost: $699 $499

What I need from you:

  • The video or audio file of the podcast episode – shared via your preferred file-sharing program (Google Docs, Box, SharePoint, etc.)

To get started, simply order and pay here, and once your order and payment are received, I will email you so you can send me the file and I can get started.


If you are selling into the market research industry space, please do not use this form, but book a time with me here.

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