Launching a podcast: The best way to launch a podcast … is with this process

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Launching a podcast can be a tall task, but there’s a road to a successful podcast launch and I’m here to help you with the steps to launch a podcast successfully.

Have you been thinking about starting your own podcast but don’t know where to begin? I’m Christoph Trappe, a podcast strategist who has launched a dozen or so different shows for companies and produces and hosts the popular “Business Storytelling Show.”

I’d love to help you bring your podcast dreams to life and drive business impact!

Here’s what you’ll get during our 60-minute strategy session (depending on the conversation and questions):

  • My guidance on launching a podcast quickly and efficiently
  • How to choose the right podcast format and topic for your brand
  • Tips for finding and booking high-value guests your audience will love
  • Promotion strategies to attract listeners and grow your audience
  • Tech and tools I recommend for a streamlined workflow
  • Livestreaming integration ideas to expand your reach across channels

I’ll help you with your launch plan so you can start publishing your podcast episodes.

Sign up for podcast coaching now

What are the advantages of a company podcast?

Branded podcasts are an excellent way for companies to:

  • Connect with your audience in a more intimate, conversational way
  • Share your brand’s expertise and build trust
  • Increase brand awareness and strengthen your reputation
  • Generate leads by positioning your company as an industry thought leader

So if you want to grow your audience, demonstrate your knowledge, and drive business results, a branded podcast can be a strategic addition to your marketing mix.

Book a Session Now

Let’s get ready to start podcasting!

Let’s talk podcasting!

I look forward to helping you start a successful, impactful podcast.

Important questions to ask when launching a podcast


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