AI policy template

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Here’s an AI policy template that you may use, and that is based on the best practices mentioned in this article.

AI Policy Template


This policy establishes guidelines and procedures for the ethical, safe, and effective use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies within [Company Name]. It aims to support innovation through AI while managing risks.


This policy covers all AI systems, tools, applications, models, and datasets created or used by [Company Name] employees. It applies to AI used for internal and external purposes across business units.

Key Principles

AI use at [Company Name] is governed by principles of:

  • Fairness – AI must not result in unfair bias or discrimination against protected groups
  • Transparency – Stakeholders must be informed about AI use cases impacting them
  • Accountability – Clear roles and responsibilities oversee AI risks
  • Privacy – Customer and employee data used to develop AI must have appropriate consent and protections
  • Safety – AI risks like unsafe advice, legal violations, or economic harms are proactively mitigated

Responsible Use Guidelines

AI applications must undergo cross-functional reviews assessing ethics, data quality, explainability, performance evaluation, and legal compliance. Higher-risk use cases require executive sign-off.

Customer data used for AI must be aggregated, anonymized, and protected through technical controls.

AI risks in areas like bias, privacy, safety, and security will be assessed continuously after deployment through audits.

All users of AI systems will receive mandatory AI ethics training.

Ownership & Governance

A central group will maintain policies, hear use case appeals, address incidents, and commission external auditing.

Each division will appoint an AI Leader responsible for representing use cases and data needs, educating staff on policies, and assisting in investigations of issues.

Cross-functional AI Working Groups will meet quarterly to update guidelines per emerging practices.

By following this policy, [Company Name] aims to unlock AI’s benefits while building trust with stakeholders through responsible oversight. The policy will evolve alongside AI advances via our adaptable governance processes centered on core ethical values.

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