Check, please: How to become verified on Instagram

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How to become verified on Instagram – aka getting the blue checkmark on Instagram – has changed, and is now available to basically the masses.

The blue checkmark on Instagram and other social media networks has been around and used to indicate some level of notoriety of the account. Sometimes they were journalists, a notable influencer, or a celebrity, for example. Getting the blue checkmark on Instagram was reserved for the few.

Then you could apply by uploading your driver’s license and receive it. And now you can get verified on Instagram by simply paying a monthly fee. Meta Verified currently costs $14.99 per month.

how to become verified on instagram

To sign up, simply go to the settings area of your Instagram account.

how to become verified on instagram

That’s it. Easy breezy if you want to spend the money.

Read next: Caption this: How to add and edit captions for Instagram Reels

Is it worth it to pay to get verified on Instagram?

On the surface, I would not pay to get verified on Instagram. But it also depends on what your goals are, and it depends on what impact that has on your social media performance. Greg Finn said on the “Marketing O’Clock Podcast” it’s a relatively small charge if it helps with distribution and business goals.

Even with the blue checkmark on Instagram, you still have to build an audience and post engaging content on an ongoing basis. So that’s something to keep in mind as you’re considering your spending money on Meta Verified.

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