From Insights to Success: How Content Strategy Research Transforms Business

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Content strategy research can help us connect with audiences because we understand them better and can be more relevant to them!

Here’s how to get there!

How research is important to understand our audiences

I’ve heard people say, “Oh, I know my audience. I know my customers. Christoph, I’ve done this for a while!” That subtle power struggle can feel good to them, but it likely won’t help them understand their audiences better, create better content and ultimately connect with them deeper.

In today’s digital world, having a deep understanding of your target audience is more critical than ever for content marketing success. With limitless options for where to consume content, audiences have high expectations for relevance. Producing content without research leads to wasted time and missed opportunities.

As Lori Highby, CEO of Keystone Click, explains on “The Business Storytelling Show” that assumptions and guesswork simply don’t cut it anymore:

“The reality is, is everyone life is changing really fast. And the demands and the needs and the wants of our ideal customers are changing.”

Highby stresses the need to regularly update your audience knowledge rather than relying on outdated assumptions. Even if you have decades of experience in an industry, your audience’s needs, interests and pain points shift over time.

Understanding Audience Pain Points and Intent

A primary goal of audience research is identifying core pain points and needs. Highby advises “peeling back the onion” with probing questions to get to the root causes behind interests and behavior.

For example, someone may be seeking a new website. But simply knowing that doesn’t provide context on the real problem they’re trying to solve. By asking “Why?” questions, you may find the underlying pain point is struggling to generate new leads and sales.

Highby explains the importance of this:

“I think that’s a big mistake that a lot of companies make is that they focus on the solution and their messaging and put less emphasis on the pain. When you think about how people are searching or doing their own research to help decide what kind of solution they need. They start with that problem.”

Search intent provides powerful insights. Audiences often start broad, searching on the actual problem they need to solve before getting more specific on solutions. Understanding these early stage questions and concerns should inform content across the entire customer journey.

The goal is moving beyond surface level demographic data to reveal true intent. Why does your audience visit certain social media platforms? What content do they seek and share? Lori recommends open-ended qualitative questioning to uncover “the why” behind audience actions.

Listen to Audience Language

A common content marketing mistake is relying too much on internal jargon versus listening to audience language. Lori shares an example where a client discovered customers cared more about customer service than low prices, reshaping brand messaging.

Assumptions were not matching reality. Only through open conversations did they realize the true motivations driving purchasing decisions.

This highlights the importance of qualitative research. Sales metrics, social media analytics and similar data only reveal part of the picture. Speaking directly with audience members uncovers deeper insights that data alone can’t provide.

Mapping the Entire Customer Journey

Lori advocates mapping out the entire customer journey to identify gaps and opportunities. Questions to ask audience members include:

  • How did you first discover our brand? What were you searching for?
  • What platforms and channels do you use when researching products and services? Why those specifically?
  • How do you evaluate between options? What information is most valuable?
  • What role do reviews, testimonials, and referrals play in decision-making?
  • What branding is most meaningful to you?
  • How can we make it easier for you to recommend us to others?

Documenting each touchpoint and pain point provides guidance for content. You can then assess if you have aligned content for each stage or find areas needing improvement.

Testing Assumptions with Research

Even if you assume you deeply understand your audience, don’t take it for granted. Use research to regularly test assumptions.

Once you have research insights, She recommends developing a messaging map that identifies core themes, language, and topics to include and exclude. This messaging blueprint ensures consistency across channels and content types.

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Creating Effective Partnerships

In addition to internal research, Highby advises looking at partnerships with influencers or brands already reach your target groups. Getting exposure with engaged audiences through guest content contributions, interviews or co-created campaigns can significantly expand reach.

She explains, “If someone already has an established audience, so for example, you’ve got to show you have loyal followers. But I’m coming on to your show. So now my brand, my message, is getting introduced to your audience.”

Sharing audiences this way allows efficient access to relevant groups rather than starting from scratch. Conduct research to identify good partner fits based on audience alignment.

Implementing a Research-Based Content Strategy

With research learnings gathered, implement an aligned content strategy across teams and channels. Lori recommends mapping out a content calendar that details:

  • Target audiences and personas
  • Platforms and channels to include
  • Content types and formats
  • Cadence for publishing
  • Alignment to buyer journey stages
  • Overall themes and messaging

This provides clarity on content purpose and coordinates cross-channel efforts.

Aim for evergreen content focused on real audience needs versus short-term trends or promotions. Well-researched evergreen content will continue generating value over months and years.

Staying On Course

Audience interests shift, so regular research must be part of your process. She suggests annually checking assumptions against reality with fresh qualitative research. Periodic surveys can supplement for quick feedback on specific content or campaigns.

By continually realigning your content to audience needs, you provide relevance that earns trust and engagement. Put in the work on the front end with research to substantially improve results.

Keeping Up with Ever-Evolving Consumer Preferences

The modern marketplace is more dynamic than ever before. Consumer preferences and behaviors are constantly shifting. New technologies, economic factors, generational differences, and societal trends all contribute to an environment of continual change. For marketers and business leaders, keeping pace with these evolving preferences is essential yet increasingly difficult. So how can organizations track and respond to consumers’ changing needs and desires?

According to Michael Nevski, insights executive at Visa, the key is “really understanding where consumers are moving and being one step at least one step ahead of it.” On “The Business Storytelling Show,” he explains that this involves analyzing a variety of influencing factors to detect broader trends and patterns. Some key areas to examine include:

  • Economic factors like inflation, price increases, and savings rates
  • Generational differences in values, lifestyles, and technology usage
  • Evolving consumer attitudes like socially conscious purchasing
  • Channel and media consumption patterns
  • Psychographic segmentation and changing motivations
  • Competitive landscape and substitute product adoption
  • Category-specific shifts in tastes and preferences

“You need to really kind of filter lots of information on a daily basis as a company to really understand the trends,” Michael says. But while total comprehension may not be feasible, strategic prioritization is essential. As he notes, “You cannot possibly filter everything…you need to focus on prioritizing what is most important to my business.”

Getting Granular with Generational Insights

One of the most pivotal sources of changing consumer behavior is differences between generations. Younger generations like Millennials and Gen Z have distinctly different preferences and expectations compared to their older counterparts. Michael points out that “younger generations, especially Gen Z, are not on Facebook.” While Baby Boomers still heavily use the platform, younger demographics have largely migrated to other social channels.

This generational divergence applies to communication styles, brand attitudes, purchasing motivators, and channel engagement. Younger consumers prioritize mobile-optimized experiences, desire transparency and ethical business practices, and blend their personal and professional digital lives. These tendencies necessitate adaptation by brands hoping to court emerging generations.

Michael explains that financial firms face this challenge with the major wealth transfer underway. While current assets may be concentrated with older generations, long-term survival requires focusing on Millennials and Gen Z. Tactics involve understanding generational characteristics, meeting customers where they are digitally, and starting small to build loyalty early.

“As you bring those younger generations into the fold, and make them our customers and build the relationship and create that loyalty later on in life, we will actually get that return on investment,” Michael said.

Ongoing Observation and Experimentation

While historical data provides a strong foundation, real-time monitoring delivers the most timely insights. Michael advocates developing an “approach which you constantly need to reevaluate, recalculate and re-engage.” This includes digital listening through social media monitoring, website analytics, location data, and other tools. Objective performance metrics should complement feedback and observations.

Equally important is creating a culture of ongoing experimentation. Michael stresses the need to “understand where your audiences are and what their needs are and how they potentially might be changing their habits and needs going forward.” Small tests expose shifting inclinations before redesigning entire strategies. If the results merit it, expansive change can follow. But not all trends necessitate transformation. Michael concludes: “You just need to understand what is the place your brand plays, how you can build that trust in a challenging environment with your target audience.”

The Power of Relevant Content

In every industry, content remains a powerful tool for brands to attract, engage and understand consumers. But its relevance is paramount, according to Michael: “If it’s educational content, if it’s informative content, I can listen to or watch and actually apply in my everyday work. So that would be the most helpful if this content helps me to solve my problems on a daily basis. That’s the most important.”

While promotional content has a role, content that provides genuine value builds authority and trust. This content can address customer pain points, industry trends, product applications, or emerging technologies. But the focus is equipping audiences with actionable education that improves their lives in some way. Michael advocates examining metrics like viewership, repeats, and engagement time to assess resonance.

The role of foresight in content strategy

In today’s rapidly changing world, content strategies that rely solely on past data and trends are bound to become outdated quickly. Companies need to take a proactive approach and incorporate foresight into their content planning in order to stay ahead of disruptions.

In my podcast interview, futurist Rebecca Costa emphasized the importance of continuously gathering intelligence about emerging technologies, sciences, consumer trends and more to get an accurate picture of what the future may hold. As she explained, in the past companies may have relied on infrequent touchpoints like trade shows to catch a glimpse of the next big thing. But in reality, by the time they encounter a major disruption at a trade show, it is likely already too late to react.

Instead, companies should formalize a process for ongoing reconnaissance about the future. This includes monitoring provisional patents, university research, and where venture capital money is flowing. The goal is to identify game-changing innovations during their early stages, while there is still time to act on the intelligence.

Once promising new technologies or trends are identified, companies can get hands-on experience through test cases. For example, Costa suggested having startup founders present their latest inventions directly to leadership teams. This makes disruptions tangible rather than abstract concepts buried in magazines or presentations.

While exploring the future requires dedicating resources, failing to do so can leave companies blindsided when change inevitably arrives. Institutional resistance and inertia tend to perpetuate the status quo. Bringing in neutral external perspectives like futurists can shake up entrenched mindsets.

Foresight enables content strategies to stay aligned with where the world is heading. Instead of relying on outdated models, companies can reshape roles and messaging to fit emerging realities. With continual reconnaissance, content remains dynamic, empowers business strategy and drives growth into the future.

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