What are the benefits of AI in marketing?

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To me the benefits of AI in marketing have already been tremendous. And with marketing being so performance-driven in all aspects nowadays, that has already been a game changer. So let’s discuss the benefits of AI in marketing that I see in my work. Those include:


I’ve always thought of myself as productive, but AI has really taken that to the next level. Some examples include during the brainstorming process:

I go to Google Bard and ask it all kinds of different things, including:

  • What sections should I include in an article?
  • Please give me feedback on this article that I’m about to paste in here.
  • I’m doing a podcast episode on topic xyz, please give me 10 questions I should ask.
  • Please add relevant emojis to this social media post for me.

Now remember that Google Bard may have humans review chats, so don’t post anything truly proprietary and please read and edit the content it – or any AI tool – spits out.

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One of the benefits of AI in marketing for me has been stepped up creativity. Now, I would argue that I’ve always been creative. But creativity also takes brainpower and sometimes time. It’s hard to be creative on the spot – especially when you are thinking about another campaign.

We need a new subject line, or headline or how about something else that you can think of for two seconds. Now, I still use my own creativity, but I also use AI tools to speed up that process.

Hey, Bard, I like these subject lines, could you give me some similar options for my next email send? 

Then evaluate the results and run the updated result you like through Subjectline.com to get closer to something usable. It also gives you suggestions via AI as well.


I know AI takes a lot of heat for inaccuracies and making stuff up – officially called hallucinations – but there’s also a way to be more accurate and more complete with AI. For example, Perplexity AI answers your questions and shares the sources materials. Here’s what it had to say about me and the sources used are listed right there.

accuracy with AI

Not only does it give you something to work with on the topic, but it tells you the sources. From there you can see whether or not they are trustworthy. In this case, I would say they are.

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You can also go to Bard or other tools and say something like:

I’m writing this article on topic x for <insert persona>. What is it missing?
<paste current draft>.

And the AI will give you some suggestions. The tips are not always that relevant or right on, but it’s a start, which is exactly how we should be using AI in marketing, said Gleb Tsipursky on “The Business Storytelling Show.”

Of course the benefits of using AI in marketing will likely only improve and expand as AI gets better and better over time. The benefits to me are already clear: It can help us create better marketing, which can help us propel our marketing careers forward successfully.

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