What is ConvertKit?

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So you ran across an email that said “Sent via ConvertKit” or something like that. And that has you wondering: What is ConvertKit?

Good question, and let me give you my overview here quickly:

ConvertKit is a Software as a Service (Saas) email marketing company. Email marketing still has a place in the day-to-day of the modern marketer. ConvertKit offers email automation to help marketers get the most out of their email campaigns.

It bills itself as being built for creators. With the increase in creators, that seems like a market worth going after serving. And building an email list can help creators that started on social media platforms get even closer to their audiences.

Features include:

  • A way to design your emails
  • Email marketing analytics – because what’s the point of even trying email marketing if you can’t tell whether or not it’s working?
  • Deliverability – The company said it sends over 1 billion (with a b!) messages per month with a delivery rate of over 99 percent. (Fingers crossed that people also see them!)

ConvertKit also offers email automation, because we are way past the time of sending manual emails. Certainly, email automation needs a whole different set of skills – customer journey mapping, message mapping, and timing analysis, just to name a few.

In short, the answer to What is ConvertKit is that it’s an email marketing software platform for creators.


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