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It can be quite common that MyChart results arrive in the app before medical staff has even gotten back to the patient. Understanding MyChart test results in those situations would be nice.
At least that’s how it usually happens to me – including after getting an ultrasound. That can be good and bad to get the notification that results are available. Bad because the result are usually filled with medical jargon and words that regular Joes like me don’t usually use.
But if you can find a way to understanding MyChart test results in those cases it can be good. I like to know things.
So when results came in I copied and pasted them into Claude AI and asked (prompted) it to:
Please explain this simply to me.
And ta-da there is my simpler answer.
I had another question and said: Can you expand on that?
And even asked: How is that usually treated? (Which this would be pulled from external source content.)
I copied and pasted text, but you can also take a screenshot and upload that as Claude AI can accept images.
Example after I uploaded a screenshot of this article:
So when it comes to understanding MyChart test results, using AI can certainly make it easier to speed up comprehension.