How many pictures or videos fit in an Instagram highlight? [Social media]

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The Instagram Stories highlights feature is a nice way to get more mileage out of your Instagram Stories. Keep sharing content on Stories and then add photos and videos also to the highlights section. Easy, breezy. I do it all the time.

I currently have 8 highlighted topics:

instagram stories highlights

  • Speaking
  • Buildings
  • Blog posts
  • Travel
  • Publications
  • Exercise
  • Creativity
  • Social media (not pictured in this screen shot)

Every time, I file a Story that I like and want to highlight further I also add it into a highlight. Super easy and I can do that with one-click while uploading it.

I often like my latest Stories the best so some of the topics tend to have the latest versus maybe sometimes truly the greatest. But at that point, I thought they were worth sharing for longer than the 24 hours.

Of course, there are limits to everything. Instagram videos have to be less than 60 seconds (I just tried uploading one longer to test and it didn’t work!), Instagram Lives can be 60 minutes and you can add up to 100 photos at a time to one Instagram highlight! There’s also a number of characters you get before the MORE button in captions.

This is the warning screen you get when you try to add a Story segment to an already-full highlight.

Your highlight is full. Highlights can have up to 100 items. If you add this photo, the oldest photo or video will be removed from your highlight.

Given that there’s 100 items already, replacing the oldest one might be okay! Maybe I shouldn’t add so many items to my highlights to begin with?

[Tweet “When every story is a highlight maybe that just means we are enjoying life – @ctrappe”]

Interestingly, this has only happened to me so far in my Travel category. I think that is because:

  • I do way more travel Instagram Stories while traveling than Stories when not traveling
  • Some travel shots are better as Stories versus Instagram posts, too
  • It’s so easy to add highlights!

It’s also good to remember that when you add a highlight, that highlight topic bumps to the front of the list. So people visiting your profile will see it first.

If you switch your Instagram account to a business account you can even see how many people visit your profile on a weekly basis. That’s another thing to consider when doing highlights. Will they even be seen?

For example, if you have 30 weekly visitors to your profile proper, are highlights worth it? Maybe not, but it also depends on who those visitors are. If half of them click CALL or EMAIL me and ask about business deals, maybe so.

Now we know. One Instagram Highlight can have 100 photos and/or videos. Of course, you can also just create more highlights when you run out of space.

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