How to use Instagram Reels templates

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Having content templates certainly can make our content creation easier and when done right even better so it’s great to see that Instagram Reels templates have now rolled out.

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What are Instagram Reels templates?

Instagram Reels templates allow you to use the structure of an existing reel published by another user. For example, if it has three different shots and each clip is about a second long, you copy that structure and the trending sound to create a similar video for your own account.

Instagram Reels templates Example

Using one of the templates works especially well when the existing reel has good cuts and uses the music and video clips well together.

A reel has to have at least three clips to be offered as a template. So if my video is just a continuous clip it can’t be used as a template. After all, it’s just one clip and there are no timing considerations.

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Where to find Instagram Reels templates

I typically find inspiration on Instagram by simply scrolling through my feed. If I find a reel that has audio that I like to use, simply click on the three dots or USE TEMPLATE.

Instagram reels templates

If it’s available as a template the next screen will look like this after clicking the dots.

Instagram Reels templates

On the next screen you can add your own clips by clicking on each timeslot. You can also add additional clips.

Instagram Reels templates Add video

Once that’s all done you can upload your version as usual.

What’s great about Instagram Reels templates?

It can be a challenge to get good cuts on your trending sound videos. Of course, on the other hand there’s also some value in creating your own flow of the video.

But, these templates allow us to use the edits from somebody else that already work. From that perspective, these templates are a fantastic way to make content creation easier. You don’t have to figure out your own cuts.

I’m certainly planning on using templates when they’re available and when they make sense. As always don’t force it but use them when they make your content better.

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