Best makeup for men for video podcasts (live and recorded)

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Back in the day, when I was giving updates on an over-the-air television station, it wasn’t uncommon for me to put on makeup. Touching up my mostly bald head and maybe my face would help with the glare from the overhead lights on my head. Glare on glasses is another topic.

In recent years, my on-camera appearances have mostly been livestreams of my podcasts or when I’m the guest on somebody else’s podcast. Some of these shows get tremendous viewership, so, of course, there’s an element of wanting to present ourselves in the best possible light. Makeup can help with that.

And there certainly are options.

Why makeup for men on livestreams is even worth discussing

The biggest reason is that livestream and video podcast setups are getting more and more sophisticated. For example, I used to stream from just my iPad. Today, I have a number of lights set up, a microphone and had even used a physical backdrop before.

Today my setup looks like this:

livestream podcast studio

While those lights make me look better and brighter on the livestream, they can also add a glare to my bald head and even my face. Other times, I wear baseball hats during the day when I’m not on air, and those hats can leave slight marks on my skin. They aren’t terrible but can be noticeable on livestreams. Makeup can also cover those up for when I’m going on-air shortly after taking the hat off.

Best makeup for men and other accessories

Covergirl offers a number of foundations or powders that work. I use a Covergirl true blend. There are plenty of options available on Amazon.

I simply powder my head, cheeks, and forehead while in the Restream Live Studio – backstage, of course. That’s the studio from where I will stream, so I want to see how anything I’m doing changes my appearance. (Make sure your camera is mirrored so you can actually do it. But, if there’s text behind you, make sure to unmirror it before going live. This is in video settings and a toggle on or off.)

If you prefer to use an off-computer mirror, this makeup mirror is an option:

makeup mirror


It is important to do this in the setting where you’ll be going live or recording a video podcast. The lighting is the way it will be and you can see what areas might need to be powdered up and which areas are just fine.

If you want to use a brush, this is an option:

Makeup brush

Another option to even skin tone:

even skin tone for livestream

When I’m done with my livestream or podcast recording, I either wash off the powder in the bathroom or use these makeup removal wipes.

makeup removal

These removal pads are another option.

Make up removal pads

But, is makeup really necessary?

As often is the case, the answer is that it depends. Sometimes, we need to powder up some, and sometimes, we might look fine the way it is. But I’m a fan of understanding the options, and this is another option to evolve my appearance on livestreams. If I want to cover up that glare on my bald head, these are my go-to.


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