Beyond ‘Hey Guys’: Podcast Introduction Examples to Start Episodes Better

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Podcast intros are crucial. Those first few seconds can determine whether a listener sticks around or moves on to the next show in their queue. As a podcast host, I’ve experimented with various opening techniques to make those initial moments count. Here are some podcast introduction examples for your consideration.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to kicking off a podcast. Some hosts dive right into an ad – a bold move indeed. Others opt for a catchy jingle or a professionally produced intro. Then, there are those who tease their listeners with a juicy quote from the upcoming episode. But at some point, every host has to actually say something.

Many hosts start with a casual “hey guys” or a simple “hello.” Personally, I find “hey guys” a bit too informal, even for my relatively casual show. So, I’ve developed a style that strikes a balance between professionalism and approachability.

After my produced opening (the voiceover is an AI voice), I welcome my audience with a targeted greeting. It goes like this:

“Hello, business storytellers. I am Christoph Trappe, and today’s show is about…”

Once the guest comes on, I welcome them by fist bumping – virtually.

Creating a good podcast intro (1)

This small gesture has become a fun way to kick off each episode, injecting energy right from the start. For video podcast viewers, it’s a visual treat. But audio-only listeners aren’t left out. I make sure to verbalize it, saying something like, “Let’s start this episode with our signature fist bump!” It’s a small thing, but it helps create a sense of connection and community.

The decision to address the audience as “business storytellers” is intentional. By specifically calling out the target audience, it reminds everyone on the show – myself, guests, and listeners – who we’re here for. It helps shape the conversation and gives new listeners a quick way to decide if this show is relevant to them.

“Business storytellers” casts a wide net, including marketers, communication pros, internal communicators, PR folks, journalists looking for new strategies, and executives seeking implementation help. It’s a broad group, but they all share an interest in effectively telling stories in a business context.

Read next: Connect with Your Audience: The Magic of Business Storytelling

It is difficult to measure directly the impact of a well-crafted intro on a podcast’s performance. However, production value matters more than ever. A professional-sounding intro can set a show apart and demonstrate respect for listeners’ time.

More importantly, a good intro helps establish a connection with the audience right from the start. It sets the tone for the show and gives listeners a taste of what to expect. If it makes guests feel at ease, even better.

For those starting out or looking to revamp an existing show, it’s worth putting thought into the intro. Experimenting with different styles, finding a unique voice, and injecting personality into the opening can lead to a memorable and effective podcast introduction.

Try an external microphone to sound the best for your intro

podcast microphone with stand

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