What are customer buying signals?

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I don’t get it when companies can’t read OBVIOUS buying signals. Not the ones that are super subtle, but the ones that scream: I’m getting close to buying THIS – the thing YOU sell. Tell me more. Tell me more. Maybe those companies don’t know the answer to what are customer buying signals? Maybe.

Often, those companies do tell me more, but it’s about something totally unrelated. Something that is currently being pushed by the bossy bosses but has no relevance to me – the excited buyer for a completely different product.

Weird. Listen. And sell what you offer that the buyer actually wants.

So, what are customer buying signals?

In short, when a customer emails in and says: “I would like to look at this specific car.” That’s a buying signal. Now, that example should be easy. They literally tell you what they want to buy. Here’s my personal example.

Sometimes, it’s more about a problem. For example, when a customer calls their plumbing company and says that their toilet is doing one thing or another, They don’t actually know what they are looking for, but they certainly know they are looking for something to fix that issue with their toilet.

But listening can be hard, especially when people have checklists to get through, quotas on selling specific products and generally speaking are in a hurry. But at the end of the day, understanding what buying signals a customer is sending and then responding to those helpfully can actually increase the bottom line in no time.

In short, buying signals are the clues customers give us through their behavior, which could be verbal, their behavior on our website, or even through an email, in how a company might be able to work with them.



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