Eyes wide open: Best way to watch MLB

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The best way to watch MLB can depend on whether you live in or out-of-market of your favorite team. I live out of market. And certainly we can make a case for different types of devices to watch on:

Games are available through satellite, local networks depending on your location, streaming services like YouTube TV. I now watch most of the games through the MLB TV app.

Read next: Watching MLB on Apple TV

Here’s what I like about MLB TV, which is what I watch through the app:

  • The experience is completely personalized for your favorite team.
  • The broadcast is usually your local team broadcasters so that’s awesome.
  • You can display instant stats on the screen and really enjoy the totality of the game that way.
  • If you can’t watch the game, you can also listen to the local radio broadcast
  • The app also offers instant highlights. So even if you missed a big play, it’ll send you a notification anyways and you can watch it right away.
  • Even if you were watching live, the skip back 15-second functionality is fantastic to control your own replays.
  • The possibility to watch MLB wherever you are is fantastic. And it’s not always about being on-the-go. Sometimes I watch a game on my iPad even though I’m sitting on my couch.

Watching on an iPhone, also allows you to see the score and what bases are occupied on your Apple Watch as well. So that’s kind of cool when you’re out and about for example.

Apple Watch to watch MLB baseball
Certainly one best way to watch MLB is on your tablet or even smart phone. But, you can also watch it on your smart TV.

In that case, simply download the MLB app and login with your credentials. You can also stream your iPhone, or iPad if you prefer that set up.

Overall, as a consumer, it’s great to see the innovation that has happened in how Major League Baseball games are broadcast and available no matter which way you prefer to watch them.

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