Best typewriter keyboards to consider to keep typing

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The options to create content are super customizable to a creator’s preference – from voice dication, standup desks, the list goes on. Lighted keyboards are another, and let’s not forget about the best typewriter keyboards out there. Some call these mechanical keyboards.

What is a typewriter keyboard?

Some of us older folks grew up with a typewriter when we first learned to type—a piece of paper on the top, a mechanical keyboard below. Unfortunately, I can’t say it was a great way to write; making mistakes or having a typo on paper was a hassle.

However, typewriter keyboards offer a different writing experience than traditional computer keyboards. Moreover, they are now readily available for purchase on places like Amazon. Here’s an example. It connects to your computer through Bluetooth.

mechanical keyboard


Usually, these keyboards connect to the computer through Bluetooth, though you might look for a wired option. The problem with wired USB connections, usually is that there just aren’t enough USB connectors on laptops. In those cases, adapters can help.

Read next: How to create content through voice dictation

The different options of retro typewriter keyboards available

There are genuinely retro-type keyboards, and mechanical gaming keyboards are another variation. This is an example of a wired keyboard.

mechanical gaming keyboard

I’m a big fan of gaming-related office equipment as it’s often very comfortable – probably because gamers use it for hours. That’s not that different from us content creators who spend hours a day creating content. For example, I use a gaming chair in my office. And I don’t game, but I like to be comfortable.

Another mechanical keyboard style I like is this one.

mechanical keyboard looks like a typewriter

Why consider a typewriter keyboard? Is a mechanical keyboard worth it?

A mechanical keyboard has the advantage that there’s more feeling in the typing process. Some traditional keyboards offer very little feedback or other feeling-type experience. The keys are small and just kind of there. That doesn’t mean those keyboards don’t work. They do, and I’m guessing most of us use those types. I also reviewed my favorite traditional computer keyboards in this article on note-taking.

There could be a comfortability factor involved as well with typewriter keyboards. For example, some creators might enjoy that typing experience more, and at the end of the day, being comfortable can help with content performance.

Read next: How to type on an Apple Watch

There’s also a coolness factor. After all, everyone has a regular keyboard, but how many have these cool-looking retro typewriter keyboards? Of course, if you work at home, nobody else will ever see them, but you might enjoy the look.

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