Can AI edit videos?

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Certainly, artificial intelligence has already revolutionized content strategy, how people search online, and how marketing teams do what they do as a whole. But what about when it comes to AI video editing? Is that a thing? Can AI edit videos?

The answer depends on what kind of AI video editing you need, what your goals are with the video, and how advanced the AI video tools are for your specific use case.

Based on that, let’s take a look at some options:

Editing video dialogue

Editing video dialogue in years gone by was a pain. Find the right spot, move across the timeline, split, and repeat. Ugh. Today, there are several AI video editing tools that make this easier.

Editing full video (podcasts) with AI

Descript can automatically remove filler words and you can edit the video by deleting words from the transcript. Easy, breezy.

Here’s how that looked on my attempt to edit out filler words in my full-house generator video:

editing in descript

You can do the same thing for your video podcasts and even directly import them into Descript from Restream once you end your live stream or video recording there.

moving video from restream to descript

Creating soundbites with AI

OpusClips automatically creates shorter video clips for you based on a video and what is being said on-screen. You can even tell it which soundbites you are looking for. To edit, delete specific words in the text, and Opus will create a new video for you.

editing video with AI in OpusClips

Visit this page to discover more details: script to video generator

Audio editing

With Flexclips, you can clean up audio, cut it and more.

Flex clip ai to edit video
Creating a video from clips

Then, there are tools that create a video from clips. Throw what you got into the bowl, and they stir it up and do their best. For example, here, I simply uploaded three clips from my podcast into Canva, and Canva put them together and added some text.

Read more: You can find 10 suggestions of tools to merge video clips on the Riverside blog. 

Editing video with AI text prompts

InVideo says it will edit video just based on the prompts you give away.

InVideo editing with prompts

Editing videos as a whole

Adobe Premiere certainly has been the go-to for many video editors for years, and it’s also evolving with the times. It now offers built-in AI to make video editing easier.

Adobe Premiere and AI

AI tools that create videos from a description

This seems to be a big category all around. Many AI video editing tools create videos based on your description.

For example, Fliki allows you to describe a video, and it will then create a video for you based on the description.

Creation of AI avatars

Then you have tools like Deepbrain, which creates AI avatars for you to create talking head videos, basically.


This category also includes cloning your own voice and creating a deepfake of yourself to use in video. When used properly, this is a great way to scale up a person’s branded content.

Read next: AI for CMOs: What marketing leaders must know

Workflows supported by AI

Video editing tools like Scenery offer workflows that are supported by AI to help teams be more effective and efficient.


In closing

So, can AI edit videos? Yes, absolutely, it can. And it certainly will continue to evolve. As long as you map the right tool to your needs as a creator, AI video editing tools can be a powerful way to be more effective and efficient.

While these technologies are still evolving, it’s clear AI will continue revolutionizing video workflows. Marketers can leverage these innovations to produce more customized video content at scale. And creative professionals can focus on more strategic, creative tasks rather than repetitive editing work.

AI video assistants have arrived and will only grow smarter and more capable over time. Early adopters who embrace these new tools stand to gain a competitive advantage in content production and audience engagement through video.

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The AI Marketing Canvas: A Five-Stage Road Map to Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

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