How do you know you are creating successful content?

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Dana DiTomaso, president and partner at Kick Point Inc., helps teams level up their analytics and joined me on Episode 646 of “The Business Storytelling Show” to discuss how to measure content success to know whether you are creating successful content.

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What is successful content?

Successful content resonates with and engages its intended target audience. Rather than solely focusing on vanity metrics like views or shares, truly successful content is measured by the quality of engagement and alignment with audience interests.

Metrics that indicate successful content include:

  • Substantial time on the page to consume written or video information fully
  • Increased scroll depth showing visitors reading more content
  • Conversion of engaged visitors over time
  • PDF downloads for saving or sharing content
  • Visitors copy and paste relevant information they find valuable.

When content triggers high user engagement, it effectively captures the audience’s attention and meets their needs.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts!

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