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There are a number of ways you can handle a new job announcement on LinkedIn – if you want to even announce the new job at all. In this article, I share how to handle new job announcements on LinkedIn and what to consider before pushing “update.”
Let’s dive into the announcement options, which I break down as follows:
- Create a post to share your new job announcement
- Add the new job to your LinkedIn profile
- Share the update publicly
- Do not share it publicly
- Do an article or LinkedIn newsletter
Before you update your LinkedIn, though, consider the goal first, which could include:
- Simply to keep your LinkedIn updated
- To let your network know you have switched jobs
- Humble bragging a bit
- To drive business
- Other
Whatever the goal is, think about what you are trying to accomplish and then build your update strategy on that. You can also search online part-time jobs on the Jooble website for more flexible opportunities that align with your schedule and preferences.
Create a post for your new job announcement
These often start like this:
It’s my pleasure to announce that today is my first day at XYZ company.
These posts will directly show up in people’s feeds, and the LinkedIn algorithm seems to favor these posts, and they do get some decent reach. Network connections are also likely to like and/or comment.
You can share full-time, online, part-time, volunteer, and even freelance jobs. For example, I’ve added my podcast, which runs on DBTV, as a freelance position.
Updating your LinkedIn profile with a new job
Adding the new job and company to the LinkedIn profile is probably pretty standard but there’s a decision point on whether that update should be made public or not. First, go to your profile and add the new job.
When you add it, you can let your network know about it or not let them know. It’s simply an on-off toggle switch.
If you click the notify network option, LinkedIn pushes out an automatic post over time (it might not be instant) that says “<your name> started a new job at XYZ as ABC.” People can like and comment on that, too. In fact, the first time you’ll see that post is when somebody interacts with it.
Share the news in an article/newsletter
If you have a lot to say about the new job, you could consider doing an article or LinkedIn newsletter post on your profile.
Be ready for messages if you announce the new job
Probably the most important part of the strategy should be to think about what you will do when people message you.
Depending on your new job, some people might message you with legitimate business requests. It is important to keep that in mind and have a plan to follow up quickly. We wouldn’t want to write back: “Oh, sorry, I’m onboarding for six months. Talk to you then.”
Remember, not everyone’s messaging is a lead. Some people are “just” connections. They are happy for you to advance your career. In the case of those messages, the plan should include responding with “thank you.”
Read next: How to respond to a compliment
If people take the time to message privately, you could also consider responding with a quick LinkedIn voice message.
One message that can also start arriving is the boss text scam. For example, when I added new jobs to my LinkedIn profile, I immediately got messages that claimed to be from my boss to my iPhone. Once I respond, they ask me to go to the store and buy gift cards and send them the numbers. It’s obviously a scam, but people also apparently fall for it. Because why else would scammers do it?
A good rule of thumb is that your company will not ask you to send them money. They send you money to work for them. Nonetheless, announcing a new job well on LinkedIn can also have a business reason. That’s why I would still recommend it, and then you can ignore the scammers.