Tips that work: How to find influencer storefronts on Amazon

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If you’re selling a product on Amazon, you might want to partner with an Amazon influencer. How to find influencer storefronts on Amazon is a good question to ask here to get started. And here are my tips on finding the right people to partner with.

Check your or your competitors’ product pages for review videos

Perhaps the most relevant way to do this is to check which influencer videos are showing up on your product pages or the product pages of your competitors. This is a great way to find relevant partners because they’re already doing similar videos on Amazon.

Simply go to your product page for the product page of a competitor, and once their scroll down.

Example of a product page on Amazon

Product videos show up lower on the page. Keep in mind that not all products have influencer videos. Some have none and some have one and some have a ton.

Influencer product videos on Amazon product pages

Click on the name and it takes you to their storefront which in my case looks like this.

an example of how to contact an Amazon influencer through their storefront

Amazon influencers often have their social media profiles listed – like in my case I have YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, and you can easily contact me through these networks. People also frequently just google my name and end up on this page.

This is probably the easiest way to find relevant influencers. After all, they’re already are creating content around products that are relevant to you.

Read next: Does Influencer Marketing Work?

Scroll through Amazon Live

Many Amazon influencers live stream as well on the platform. So when you’re thinking about how to find influencer storefronts on Amazon you could scroll through current, past and even future Amazon live streams to see which influencer might be worth partnering with for your brand.

Finding Amazon influencers who live stream

This works, and it’s more of an exploratory strategy as the first one. The first one probably sets you up a little bit more strategically to find influencers who are already reviewing similar products. That makes sense in theory, but a lot of influencers do videos for all kinds of different products. See, like my review videos are not even restricted to just one vertical or another.

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Check Amazon homepage

The streams of some of the top level Amazon influencers actually show up on – the homepage. So check there from time to time and see if somebody relevant that you want to reach out to shows up there.

Check top lists

A number of websites publishe the top 24 or top 10 or top whatever Amazon influencers to work with lists. Go through those lists and see if there’s anyone of relevance that you might want to reach out to.

So, those are some of the top ways to find the right influencer for your brand. Reach out and see what their requirements are to work together.

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