What happened to Anchor fm?

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When people ask what happened to Anchor fm it’s a little bit of an emotional question. I used to record directly in the app while walking on a track in Wisconsin while working on a content project. It was the way I first started publishing my podcast.

Anchor used to be a podcast recording and distribution platform. in fact, I used to record directly on my phone and even interviewed world-class guests like Seth Godin. The app allow me to sit on my couch and literally record directly in my phone.

You could even edit audio directly in the app. It was quite awesome and an easy way to get started with audio podcasting. As this often the case with successful software platforms, Anchor was purchased by Spotify. It became Spotify for Podcasters and is still one of my favorite podcast hosting platforms. Especially since it allows me to push my video podcast to Spotify.

Some things have changed certainly and they now encourage you to use Riverside for your audio editing. Personally, I prefer the video variety of podcasts and simply record and live stream in Restream and use that.

So, when people wonder what happened to Anchor FM, it was bought by Spotify and integrated into their product mix. Many of the feature remain in place and it still is a great way to distribute your podcast.

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